Click a link below to view the shiur on YouTube or click on the audio link to listen to the shiur (some are still not yet uploaded). The Shiur Write-Ups will become available later in the week.
Speaker | Shiur Title | Category | YouTube Link | Audio Link | Write-Up |
Rav David Aaron | Birkat HaTorah: Learning, Living and Loving Torah | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yaakov Bender | Vayichan Sham Yisrael Neged Hahar- Ki'ish Echad B'Lev Echad | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yitzchak Berkovits | Why do we learn Torah? | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Elimelech Biderman | Hachanah For Kabalas Hatorah | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Mendel Blachman | Shavuot: The Day of the Broken Luchot שבועות; יום מתן הלוחות השבורות | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yitzchak Breitowitz | The Gifts We Give to God | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Steven Burg | The high cost of Jewish Responsibility through the eyes Biblical Heros | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Joanne Dove | Truth: When Our Words, Thoughts, and Deeds Match | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Dayan Chanoch Ehrentreau | Connecting To Shavuos | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Aviva Feiner | Choosing to be Chosen - A Relationship with The Divine | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Eytan Feiner | Z'man Matan Toraseinu: The Greatest Chasunah Ever... | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Reuven Feinstein | K'Ish Eched B'Lev Echad | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Ilan and Miriam Feldman | Educating Our Children | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Dovid Fohrman | Hidden Dimensions of Sefirat HaOmer | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yoel Gold | Primed for Greatness “How Today’s Experiences Prepare Us For A Better Tomorrow" | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Efrem and Yocheved Goldberg | How to explain to your children why good people are dying and other questions' | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein | Sinai as our compass for today | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Meir Goldwicht | Ki Lekech Tov Natati Lechem | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Ilan and Ruthie Halberstadt | Parenting - Old principles, New applications | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mr. Charlie Harary | Reaching the Apex: Preparing to meet the King on Shavous | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Moshe Hauer | The Role of Unity in Accepting the Torah | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Tziporah Gottlieb (Heller) | Women Receive Torah!!! | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Jesse Horn | It Takes Two: Achdut in the age of Moshe and Ahron | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yakov and Udi Horowitz | Parenting with the ‘long game’ in mind | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Michal Horowitz | Achdus: The Uniting Theme of the Shalosh Regalim | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yakov Horowitz | Welcoming our own socially isolated teens and adults | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav YY Jacobson | Goliath and His Mother Go Into Therapy | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Chani Juravel | Shavuot: The Promises That Define Us | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Shraga Kallus | What impresses you most? | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yisroel and Elisheva Kaminetsky | Torah Parenting Through the Pandemic | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Miriam Kosman | Say Yes to Love | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau | The Mitzvah Of Finishing the Torah | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau | You Choose Us From All The Nations | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar | Mutual Respect and Responsibility As Preparation For Matan Torah | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Aryeh Lebowitz | What Having Kavod Hatorah Means | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Zev Leff | The Importance of Continuous Growth in Torah Observance- A Perspective on Na'aseh Vinishma | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rabbanit Yael Leibowitz | The Transformative Role of Jewish Literacy | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Menachem Leibtag | Rosh Chodesh and Yom Tov in light of Brit Sinai | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Lauren Levin | Caves, Cliffs and Covenants: What it Means to be the Jewish People | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Aharon Lopiansky | Foundation of mitzvos | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Eli J. Mansour | The Tent of Sarah/Mashiah | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Ilan Meirov | Learn Torah or Save a Life? | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Judah Mischel | Celebrating Kabbolas HaTorah, Alone & Together | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi | Receiving With Love | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Noah Isaac Oelbaum | Birchas HaTorah, Zechiras HaTorah | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Opening Session | Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau, Chief Rabbi Yitzchak Yosef, Chief Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, Rav Avigdor Nevenzahl, Rav Asher Weiss, Rav Baruch Wieder | Opening Session | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Lori Palatnik | Taking the 5th: Parenting to thrive, not just survive | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Dr. David Pelcovitz | Shavuos and the Psychology of Happiness | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Menachem Penner | Standing before G-d: From Sinai to Synagogue ... To your Sofa | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Doron Perez | Rav Kook’s magic formula for Jewish Unity | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Sivan Rahav Meir | Matan Torah in the Corona Period | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yisroel Reisman | Shavuos: The Natural Tendencies of a Jew | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon | What really happened at the foot of Har Sinai? | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Michael Rosensweig | Sefirah, Mattan and Kabalat HaTorah | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Michael and Smadar Rosensweig | Education and Torah Values are a long term Investment | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Smadar Rosensweig | Resilience in the Face of Crisis: Life Lessons from Megilat Rut | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Shalom Rosner | The Experience of Maamad Har Sinai | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav YY Rubinstein | How people come to hate and how to reverse it | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis and Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks | A life of vertical & horizontal responsibility: Shavuot during the Coronanvirus pandemic | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Hershel Schachter | A Celebration of Torah SheBa'al Peh | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Jacob J. Schacter | Kabbalat Ha-Torah: The Power of Preparation | Limud Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Dina Schoonmaker | "Na'aseh Venishma" How Can We Be Expected To Do When We Don't Understand?" | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Ben Tzion Shafier | Aspiring for Greatness | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Efraim Shapiro | The Song of Torah | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Shira Smiles | Continuous Connection | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Reuven and Shani Taragin | Edifying and Fortifying Our Children | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Moshe Taragin | Three Different Levels of Achdus | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Reuven Taragin | Why This Program Is So Important - How To Achieve Achdus | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rabbanit Shani Taragin | Pesach and Shavuos; Miracles at Midnight | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rebbetzin Rena Tarshish | Dvash V'Cholov Tachas Lishnoeich | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Hanoch Teller | “A Heartful B’Lev Echad Primer” | Achdus | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Dr. Avraham Twerski | Shavuot, a Closure for Pesach | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Michel and Feige Twerski | “Love, Joyful Observance of Mitzvos, and Authenticity Are Keys to Naches From Our Generations" | Couples | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Mayer Twersky | Teshuva | Personal Growth | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Zecharya Wallerstein | The Origins of Moshiach | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Steven Weil | The Most Anti-Climactic Moment in Jewish History | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Mrs. Esther Wein | The elephant in the room... why we commemorate a fail | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Moshe Weinberger | Toras HaMoshiach | Shavuos | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Rav Yechezkel Weinfeld | Ilu Keirvanu Lifnei Har Sinai... Dayeinu | Kabalas Hatorah | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
Dr. Yael Zeigler | Ruth: The Mother of Kingship | Women | | Audio Shiur | Shiur Write-Up |
!ויחן שם ישראל נגד ההר- כאיש אחד בלב אחד
Program Details
From the center of the world and the city that unifies all Jews, Yeshivat Hakotel is proud to present an unprecedented Pre-Shavuot Worldwide Achdut Program.
We invite you to join Klal Yisrael at the foot of Har Sinai on the day we arrived there years ago: Rosh Chodesh Sivan (May 24).
For the first time in 2000 years, eight Chief Rabbis and leading Roshei Yeshiva, Rabbonim, and Mechanchim from around the globe and of different hashkafot have joined forces to present Torah to the whole world at once- ki’ish echad b’lev echad.
The Israeli Chief Rabbis and Senior Roshei Yeshiva will iy”H open the program at 10:00 AM US East Coast time. Afterwards, the speakers will iy”H speak in parallel online rooms beginning every 30 minutes on the hour/half hour from 10:30 AM - 3:00 PM.
Viewing the Shiurim
The shiurim will iy”H be screened on Youtube and in Zoom Rooms. Because of Zoom’s unreliability and number limitations we encourage you to view the shiur on Youtube. Each shiur will iy”H ‘premiere’ at the time it is scheduled. The links for each shiur is listed under the live shiurim sections, in seperate tables for each category. Underneath each table is the Zoom web and phone information for those shiurim.
For your convenience the PDF version of the flyer consists of clickboxes. Clicking the box will take you to the youtube shiur link (which will iy”H activate closer to the time the shiur begins). Enjoy each shiur and log into the one of your choice before it begins.
Thank You
Thank you to the speakers- the Chief Rabbis, the Roshei Yeshiva, the Rabbonim, and the Mechanchim who identified with this achdut vision and translated this identification into action by making the time to speak/ despite busy schedules.
All the speakers are speaking pro bono.
A special thank you to Dovid Lichtenstein and his team for interviewing the chinuch couples.
Thank you to Rabbi Michoel Green, Rabbi Shmuel Marcus, Rabbi Ariel Shoshan, Rabbi Gidon Shoshan, Rabbi Gil Student, and Zach Rothenberg for helping develop the program.
Thank you to Binyamin Klein for building and maintaining the website and to Leah Rubin for creating the program fliers.
Thank you to Rafi Hambling, David Reuben, Shane Safran, Jonathan Wenger, Harrison Kahn, Jonathan Kazlow, Yacov Segal, Gaby Novick, Gidon Schwartz, Binyamin Klein, Jordan Lustman, Davi Hazan, Yehuda Wrotslavsky, Yosef Besso-Cowan, Avery Amster, Uzi Hill, Ben Baruch, Daniel Ross, and Sammy Raskas for editing and working on the videos.
A special thank you to Eitan Drapkin and Shane Safran for working so hard on the promo videos.
Thank you to Akiva Erlbaum, Avery Amster, Aytan Waxman, Ben Antasovsky, Dubi Fischman, Gabi Katz, Gideon Davis, Jacob Seitler, Jonathan Kazlow, Jonathan Wenger, Jordan Panitch, Phillip Vedol, Robin Tassler, Sam Rothstein, Shane Safran, Shmuel Metz, Sydney Daitch, Yehuda Wrotslavsky, Yitzi Rotschild, Yonadav Rimberg, Yosef Besso-Cowan, and Sammy Raskas for their help running the zoom rooms.
Thank you also to Shlomie Dachs, Avraham Fried, Benny Friedman, Rav Eitan Katz, Simcha Leiner, Baruch Levine, Zusha, and Nachum Segal for their contributions.
Thank you to the many volunteers who coordinated with the speakers including Aaron Toladano, Adina Drapkin, Adina Lev, Adina Strong, Akiva Aryeh, Akiva Erlbaum, Arielle Borger, Avery Amster, Ben Klein, Davi Zlotnick, Dubi Fischman, Eitan Drapkin, Eitan Edinger, Esty Blatt, Sarah Blatt, Eytan Areh, Gavi Book, Jed Zaslow, Jonah Tripp, Jonathan Wenger, Jordan Lustman, Josh Appel, Meir Lightman, Meira Edelstein, Miri Cadranel, Noah Hyman, Sara Blatt, Saul Bishop, Sela Boord, Shoshan and Barnea Selevan, Sophie Frankenthal, Talia Tarzik, Talia Wein, Tzvi Bessler, Yehuda Feman, Yonadav Rimberg, Yoni Schwartz, Yosef Besso-Cowan, Zach Rothenberg, Zev Lowy.
The program is sponsored in observance of the yahrzeits of Dr. Irving Shulman (31st yahrzeit) and his wife Mrs. Dubby Shulman (29th yahrzeit) Z"l for whom educating Jewish children was paramount; dedicated by their children.
The program is sponsored by Sandy and Elliott Klein in memory of their parents: Mr. Joseph Appel - משה יוסף בן יצחק ז“ל, Rabbi Isidore Klein - הרב יצחק בן פרץ ז“ל, and Mrs. Rebeca Klein - רבקה בת הרב יהודה דוב ז“ל, whose lives were dedicated to Torah and Chesed.
To sponsor or for questions or inquiries, please email [email protected].
The Novominsker Rebbe lived through many nisyonos facing Klal Yisrael, but he never gave into despair. “The Ribbono shel Olam had rachmanus,” the Rebbe would say. “So hold on tight. Hakadosh Baruch Hu is bigger and His chassadim are bigger — don’t be nispoel, don’t be intimidated.” With the Rebbe’s petirah during these challenging days, may his words serve as an anchor in the storm.
Rabbi Yaakov Perlow zt"l, the late Novominsker Rebbe, was a giant among giants and one of the foremost Gedolim of our time. Rav Perlow was someone who influenced the gamut of Jewish life in America and the world at large.
Simply put: Rav Yaakov Perlow was more than an American chassidic rebbe and rosh yeshiva.
Rav Perlow spent a lifetime impacting the Jewish world all while maintaining an aura of emes and unity. He served a maggid shiur in Beis Medrash leTorah in Skokie, Illinois, rosh yeshivah of Yeshivas Rabbenu Shamshon Refoel Hirsch, in Washington Heights, rosh yeshivah of Kol Yehuda Novominsk, president of Agudath Israel of America and the head of the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah. He is someone who touched and educated so many and yet always saw and cared for each individual Jew. As such, the most complex and difficult questions came to him looked at each case with the perspective of a true Gadol B'Yisrael.
His legacy upon the Jewish world is breathtakingly broad and deep, and his influence and impact on the eternity of the Torah is beyond anyone’s capacity to appropriately – let alone comprehensively – appreciate. Klal Yisrael is still reeling from his loss.
It is only fitting that this unprecedented worldwide event of Torah learning, inspiration and unity be dedicated to the late Rabbi Yaakov Perlow zt"l, the late Novominsker Rebbe who worked tirelessly his entire life to educate, inspire and unite us all. יהי זיכרו ברוך. We also are dedicating this program to honor and pay respect to all of those recent niftarim and ask that Hashem bring the ultimate refuah to the world when we all once again be כאיש אחד בלב אחד with the coming of Moshiach speedily in our days!
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Please only join one group. All groups will have the same updates and content. If the first one is full, please try the next one.